Yamatics,Cymatics wall posters 528 Hz


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Yamatics,Cymatics wall posters 528 Hz

Yamatics introduces a unique fusion of art and science with its Cymatics wall posters, specifically tuned to the harmonic frequency of 528 Hz. These visually captivating posters are designed to resonate with the natural vibrations believed to promote healing and harmony. Inspired by the principles of Cymatics, the posters visualize the intricate patterns formed by sound waves at 528 Hz, creating a mesmerizing display of geometric shapes and symmetrical designs.

The chosen frequency, 528 Hz, is associated with the “Love Frequency” and is believed to have healing properties, promoting a sense of well-being and balance. Yamatics seamlessly combines aesthetic appeal with the therapeutic potential of sound, offering a distinctive decor element that goes beyond mere visual aesthetics. Whether used in homes, studios, or wellness spaces, these posters serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness between art, science, and the profound influence of harmonic frequencies on our perception of space and energy.

Yamatics,Cymatics wall posters 528 Hz

Yamatics introduces a unique fusion of art and science with its Cymatics wall posters, specifically tuned to the harmonic frequency of 528 Hz. These visually captivating posters are designed to resonate with the natural vibrations believed to promote healing and harmony. Inspired by the principles of Cymatics, the posters visualize the intricate patterns formed by sound waves at 528 Hz, creating a mesmerizing display of geometric shapes and symmetrical designs.

The chosen frequency, 528 Hz, is associated with the “Love Frequency” and is believed to have healing properties, promoting a sense of well-being and balance. Yamatics seamlessly combines aesthetic appeal with the therapeutic potential of sound, offering a distinctive decor element that goes beyond mere visual aesthetics. Whether used in homes, studios, or wellness spaces, these posters serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness between art, science, and the profound influence of harmonic frequencies on our perception of space and energy.


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Good quality.The product is firmly packed.Good service.Very well worth the money.Very fast delivery.

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